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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Revised Reading Response on Slam


An oppuritnity for the future/ social awarness

Sometimes, you get one chance in life for an oppuritnity. These things hardly come by, espisecally in rough situations. These days are always diffucult for kids like us. Homework, projects, and tests are really starting to affect us. I know it's going to be hard, but we just have to work harder to get the things we want. I never thought that 8th grade would be this tough.

But I know it's going to be a lot harder though the years. Espically in home too, you have chores and responbiblity to take care of. School work and life are just puting me on hold. It's just really annoying to me. It's not even fair for me. I just need a break from this.

Maybe something good might come out of this. Because this is tourcher. Nothing could be worse than this. I not sure which is worse, trying to get an education, or trying to maintain my life. It's just really hard and annoying.

Social Awareness Assignment 3

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A situation

A few weeks ago, a woman got dragged by her hair by a local police officer on wall street. Everyone was fighting against the officer, and charging him for assault and police brutality. They are puting the police officer in jail, and is facing court. A few days later something bad too.

Protesters were being sparyed abd tourched like animals. Police say the used force for warning, but I think that was a little harsh. These were times in wall street, and this proves it. It was over follishness and misunderstanding. Over little or big things

This wasn't  a situation, it was a tragedy. These things happen, but appernely  over stupid things. Although they were fighting over laws that were pretty unfair, They still didn't need to those such things. People have their rights to choice what they want.

Social Awareness Assignment 2



I found out that art is everything to people and the world. It shows how people find their passion in life. In music,art, dancing and acting. It gives color though life. Without it, life would be boring and empty. That's like saying that without the yin there would be no yang.

It's shows people what life has to offer for us. Some things could be shown though music or dancing. Usually it's about creavivty and talent in ourselves and others. People love doing that once in a while, and it's fun. I can gurantaee this is what art and music.

All of this is a part of life. This shows people what where made of. Though talent, art, and everythig else. Also it shows people your inside color. It's like saying who and what you are.

Reading Response on Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stuck at home

In diary of a wimpy kid 6, greg has been trapped indoors by a blizzard. No power, and alone with his family. That's got to be the worse for greg heffley. He's almost out of food and his family is driving him crazy. But dad is at work vacation, so hopefully they'll find a way out.

It's usually up to gregory to save the day. Or maybe his friend rowley. But lately he's been stabing him in the back. Something has got to happen. Their probably at the same problem right now. Who now's what will happen now.

They only have a some  food left in his kitchen. But hopeful they can role though that. It seems pretty simple enough for them. But for greg heffley, this might be the challenging thing ever in his whole entire life. Can greg really survive a week with family without losing his mind?

Social Awareness Assignment 1

Monday, November 28, 2011

a close call

I  woke up today...
Grabbing a bottle of beer and getting a cigarette and smoking on my way to college
wanting to eat mt whole refridentor
My body hurts...
because I smoked too much weed
because I ate to much food
I feel dizzy...
And I need to go home
And I need to go to the doctors
I ditched the evidence...
Because I didn't want to get to trouble
Because I  didn't want to lose myself

Thursday, October 27, 2011

An amazing connection by Matthew Smiley

I think me and Sam  have a lot of connections, because we both like skateboarding and were both in arts
schools. Sam is a fifthteen year old boy who's likes to hang out and skate. He's in an art and design school and is in photograph. Me and him are the same because we have mentors in sports. His mentor is tony hawk, and mine is derrick rose. We all have special people that we all want to be.

Sam has lots of friends but his main friends are rubbish and rabbit. There both skaters, expect one is smater and the other is the better teacher. Those are his best friends. He also had a crush on girl named alicia for about four years. But she is a year older than sam. Also sam lives in north london with his mother and father, expect their divored i think.

Sam's dad doesn't mind though that mom has boyfriends. I think it might be an agreement for them. Sam is fine with it but sometimes it feels weird. I could connect to that because sometimes parents go though divorced. It happens sometimes in life.